Friday, June 24, 2011


Today we went to the beach.

It was glorious.

We ate fish and chips.

We played in the water.

We collected shells.

We laughed and sang and ate.  

This picture has me in tears.

These are my babies.

When did they get so big?

I don't like it.

Not one bit.

Well, I love the photo.

But, not the getting older and bigger stuff.  That needs to stop.  

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Container Garden

While I wait for this:

to be turned into:
(kidding) (maybe not)

I have these:

Some tomato plants (thanks to my wonderful neighbor friend) that I have in a container on our back deck.

I also have these:

Zucchini plants.

The tomato plants are starting to bud.  Is that the right term?

These are the Jelly Bean variety so they will be about the size of a grape tomato.  
Can't wait!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hello again, hello

hello?  you still there?  
I'm actually sitting down at the computer to blog.  

is this thing on?

Come back, please...I'll try to be more regular.  Of a blogger that is.  

Miss you.
Love you. 
Mean it.