We eat a lot of chicken 'round these parts. It's so easy and versatile that it ends up in so many of our meals. Whenever I sit down to plan the menu for the week it will easily have 5 days of chicken dinners in it. And then I review the menu and say, 'okay girlie let's think of some non-chicken meals'. Besides the obvious and regular pasta dishes I really need to seriously think about non-chicken dinners. I usually come up with a few, and then I get a headache so I just throw some chicken in the oven and say 'bob's yer uncle!'
Sad, but true.
So, in honor of my short supply of dinner ideas of the top of my head (and Uncle Bob) I bring you 'Easy Chicken'.
Gosh I wish this thing had an echo button. That's how you've got to say it:
EASY CHICKEN...CHICKEN...CHICKen...really loud with a slight echo...sounds good, eh?
Anyhoo, here's what I do when I do not feel like scouring all my countertops and sink because I am afraid of someone coming into my kitchen with a black light and showing me that I have salmonella all over everything: phew! that was a mouthful
I pour a little olive oil into the baking dish and sprinkle a little salt and pepper in there too. I swirl it around in the dish and then put the chicken in the dish and rub the chicken with the oil on both sides.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
This is where my daughter comes in and says, 'oh, I love seeing raw meat the same as what lions and tigers eat...' She's a nut that one...
Speaking of lemon squeezy I had one handy so I squeezed some lemon juice on top of the chicken and then put a slice of lemon on each piece.

I cover the dish with foil and then stick it in the oven. Depending on the amount of chicken you have cooking times will vary, but I did these 3 breast for 20 mins and then uncovered for about an additional 10 minutes.
I usually cut a piece in the middle just to make sure there is no pink.

This photo cracks me up and I just had to share. Doesn't it look like a face? Poor guy lying on the side of his face with a lemon for an ear!
Sorry, hope you don't think I'm too weird...please, come back!!
This is so easy to do when you are running back and forth to soccer practice and the barn and dentist appointments and eye appointments and....well, you get the idea...
Bon Appetit!